Focused Paths for Theological Mastery and Ministry Impact

Our focused learning paths at Hartwell Divinity School™ are designed to provide specialized, in-depth education in key areas of theology and ministry. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of the Old or New Testament, engage in systematic theology, or address contemporary cultural challenges through apologetics, our learning paths will prepare you for impactful service in the Body of Christ.

International students and residents of Florida can take courses, certificates, and earn degrees through HDS as a program of Hartwell University®. All other students can complete HDS courses and certificates as a program of Hartwell Quest®. 

Additionally, every HDS student has access to credit transfer and degree programs at over 240 accredited Christian colleges and universities through our accredited partnerships.*

Certificate Programs

  • Certificate of Old Testament Studies (9 credits/units)

  • Certificate of New Testament Studies (9 credits/units)
  • Certificate of Systematic Theology (9 credits/units)

  • Certificate of Apologetics: Politics, Identity, and Worldview (12 credits/units)

Certificate of Old Testament Studies

The Certificate of Old Testament Studies offers an in-depth exploration of the foundational texts of the Old Testament. This program includes courses on the Torah, the historical and wisdom literature, and the major and minor prophets. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical context, theological themes, and literary structures of the Old Testament, preparing them for effective ministry and teaching roles. This certificate is comprised of the following courses, totaling 9 credits/units.

OTS 503: Old Testament Torah

In this course, students will survey the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah. This course will cover the history of the patriarchs, the details of the Sinaitic Covenant, and the formation of the people of Israel. We will also be giving special attention to the veracity of the first five books and their historical character.

OTS 513: Old Testament History and Wisdom Literature

In this course, students will analyze Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Job, 1+2 Kings, 1+2 Chronicles, the Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and Lamentations. This course will focus on the apologetical issues of Joshua and Judges as well as the cyclical nature of the history of Israel’s fall, crying out, salvation, and prosperity.

OTS 523: Old Testament Major and Minor Prophets

In this course, students will read and theologically interpret the major and minor prophets.  This course will focus on interpretive methodology concerning apocalyptic literature as well as understanding the use of symbols and predictive prophecy. We will also have a heavy focus on messianic prophecy and its proper interpretation.

Certificate of New Testament Studies

The Certificate of New Testament Studies provides a detailed study of the New Testament scriptures. This program covers the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the epistles and Revelation. Students will analyze the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the development of the early church, and the theological implications of the New Testament writings, equipping them to interpret and apply these scriptures in their ministries. This certificate is comprised of the following courses, totaling 9 credits/units.

NTS 503: New Testament Gospels

In this course, students will survey the life of Christ from a harmony of the Gospels. Thus, they will be able to analyze the life of Christ chronologically while also assessing the differences between the gospel accounts. Special attention will be given to the theological implications of each of the narrative events and discourses.

NTS 513: New Testament Acts

In this course, students will study the book of Acts and learn about the history of the early church. This course will feature a substantial examination of the introductory material of the book of Acts as well as a deep dive into the social and political fabric surrounding many of the events of Acts.

NTS 523: New Testament Letters and Revelation

In this course, students will read and analyze the letters of the New Testament and the Book of Revelation. This will be done in concert an analysis of the heresies that apostles like Paul had to deal with in the regional churches. Additionally, the book of Revelation will be assessed through a dispensational lens with discussion on other views.

Certificate of Systematic Theology

The Certificate of Systematic Theology focuses on the core doctrines of the Christian faith. This program includes courses on Prolegomena, Theology Proper, the Trinity, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, and Eschatology. Students will develop a systematic understanding of Christian theology, enabling them to articulate and defend their beliefs comprehensively and coherently. This certificate is comprised of the following courses, totaling 9 credits/units.

THE 503: Systematic Theology I: Prolegomena, Theology Proper, Trinity

This course serves as the first part of three courses designed to survey the core theological divisions of Christian Theology. These courses are designed to examine these aspects of theology from systematic, polemic, and elenctic paradigms. The first course will open with a discussion of Theological Prolegomena, including the topics of definitions of theology, divisions of theology, and theological method. Then, we will proceed to Theology Proper in which we will cover the existence of God, definitions of God, knowability of God, names of God, attributes of God, deficient views of God. We will then end with a discuss of the doctrine of the Trinity and trinitarian heresies.

THE 513: Systematic Theology II: Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, and Eschatology

This course serves as the second part of three courses designed to survey the core theological divisions of Christian Theology. These courses are designed to examine these aspects of theology from systematic, polemic, and elenctic paradigms. The first course will open with a discussion of biblical anthropology, including the topics of traducianism vs. creationism, hamartiology (the study of sin), and the constitution of human nature. Then, we will proceed to Christology in which we will cover the theanthropic God-Man and historical heresies, the roles of Christ, the Incarnation, and the sinlessness of Christ. Next, we will discuss soteriology, including the atonement, election, spiritual regeneration, justification, sanctification, and resurrection. Finally, we will end with a discussion on topics of Eschatology, including the existence of heaven and hell.

THE 523: Bibliology

This course serves to provide an in-depth analysis of the topic of Bibliology. In this course, we will be discussing topics that include the doctrine of divine revelation as well as the inerrancy, infallibility, sufficiency, clarity, supremacy, and inspiration of Scripture. We will also assess the foundation of our knowledge of God from a theological/philosophical perspective. Additionally, we will examine various alternative positions and criticisms of orthodox belief, giving students the opportunity to defend their positions.

Certificate of Apologetics: Politics, Identity, and Worldview

The Certificate of Apologetics: Politics, Identity, and Worldview addresses contemporary cultural challenges from a biblical perspective. This program includes courses on the intersection of faith and politics, biblical justice versus critical theory, and the biblical view of human identity and sexuality. Students will be equipped to engage thoughtfully and effectively in public discourse, defending the Christian worldview against secular and ideological challenges. This certificate is comprised of the following courses, totaling 12 credits/units.

APO 503: Citizen of the Kingdom – Ambassador to the World: Faith and Politics

This course will examine the foundation of our citizenship in the God’s Kingdom and how we are to operate as His ambassadors in the world. We will be analyzing Scripture to develop a theology for God and government as well as to understand our proper place in relation to politics and civics.

APO 513: The Courts of God and Man: Biblical Justice vs. Critical Theory

In this course, students will be examining secular and “Christian” versions of Critical Theory and its opposition to the biblical understanding of justice. Students will be prepared to combat Critical Theory in the world of ideas through active debate and research.

APO 523: The Desecration of Man: Biblical Anthropology, Homosexuality, and Transgenderism

In this course, students will investigate the biblical understanding of the nature of humanity and humanity’s existence as male and female. Students will learn about the issues surrounding the modern transgender movement and how to persuasively deconstruct counter arguments so that they can defend the biblical understanding of men and women in their churches and in the world.

APO 533: Light in a Dark World: Biblical Worldview

In this course, students will derive the biblical worldview from Scripture and then use that as a template to examine the other major worldviews. Students will also assess the worldviews as they pertain to the various areas of culture and life, including law, science, art, history, and economics.

*Accredited degree options are fully provided by our partner institutions. Enrollment at Hartwell Divinity School™ (HDS) is optional and not required to earn an academic degree from these partners. HDS does not manage any part of Title IV program participation. For more information on credit transfers and accredited degree options, please contact us.

†Degrees from Hartwell Divinity School™ are also offered through Hartwell University® to international students and Florida residents. Additionally, every HDS student has the opportunity to earn transfer credits and dual credit degrees through special partnerships with accredited institutions.